Web3-powered video games are the future! But up until now, it’s been challenging and elusive to build an amazing player experience that serves web2 and web3 gamers. Scalability? Gas? Handling scary wallet keys? These issues have an impact on the overall onboarding and gameplay experience for web3 games. Embedded wallets have the potential to solve these hurdles and improve the adoption of Web3 across web and mobile games, as well as gaming platform such as Unity and Unreal Engine.

This post was originally published in Sequence.

Use Case: Embedded Wallets

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

Web3 games suffer from broken user experiences due to the need to manually link to a wallet. This process is insecure and does not lead to a smooth onboarding.

Realization Approach

Realization Approach

An embedded wallet solves the problem of broken user experience during wallet linking and integration to offer secure, frictionless transactions, and uninterrupted gameplay.

Solution Space

Solution Space

With embedded wallets, game developers can focus on building great games while creating, launching, and managing seamless onboarding experiences that are easy and familiar to their users and do not involve technical complexities.

All of these concerns have been smoothed out into our meticulously designed architecture of Sequence Smart Wallet as a Service, and seamlessly packaged into our Sequence Embedded Wallets product. Onboard your players within seconds and delight your development team with the best-in-class dev experience as they integrate Sequence across any EVM chain (L2/L3s) behind the most powerful and capable stack for web3 games. 

Created by the pioneers of account abstraction and smart contract wallets, Sequence Embedded Wallets deliver the best developer and user experience in just 10 lines of code!

import { SequenceWaaS } from '@0xsequence/waas'

const waas = new SequenceWaaS({

  projectAccessKey: 'PROJECT_ACCESS_KEY',

  waasConfigKey: 'WAAS_CONFIG_KEY',

  network: 'arbitrum-nova'


// Send validation email to the user with an OTP code
const { instance } = await waas.email.initiateAuth({ email })
const sessionHash = await sequence.getSessionHash()

// Obtain OTP code from user and pass to finalizeAuth for validation
const { idToken } = await waas.email.finalizeAuth({ instance, answer, email, sessionHash })

// Log in using the idToken, as usual
await waas.signIn({ idToken })

Sequence Embedded Wallets: The Easiest Way to Onboard Players Into Web3

Sequence Embedded Wallets offer a smooth and secure non-custodial toolkit for developers to integrate blockchain technology into their games easily. With our Smart WaaS, developers can instantly create, launch, and manage seamless onboarding experiences that are easy and familiar to their users  — like existing gaming accounts  — where the tech intricacies are out of sight and out of mind for players.

With the ability to spin up wallets on-demand for each player, developers wanting to integrate their game with any EVM-compatible blockchain becomes a breeze. Whether it’s app chains, subnets, L2s, or L3s, Sequence covers it with familiar constructions like RPC APIs.

Our solution is your perfect match where security, frictionless transactions, and uninterrupted gameplay are top priority and guaranteed.

Sequence Embedded Wallets: Where Superior Technology and Gaming Experiences Are First-class

Game developers can now effortlessly blend Sequence Smart WaaS into their games, which is built on open-source Sequence Smart Wallet infrastructure, enabling a fully customizable wallet user interface. This flexibility allows developers and studios to incorporate Sequence Smart WaaS directly within their apps, combining it seamlessly with any game’s existing UI to maintain brand consistency and familiar gameplay aesthetics.

But that’s not all.

For developers and studios aiming to prioritize rapid, smooth onboarding, Sequence Embedded Wallets offer the perfect solution. Smart WaaS can be woven into the development process at any point, ensuring flexibility in your roadmap.

For games still in the process of refining their unique branded UI, Sequence steps in to accelerate player engagement. We provide standard UI components for Smart WaaS that facilitate quick starts for players, ensuring rapid onboarding, streamlined payment processes, and immersive, uninterrupted gameplay. This approach not only elevates the user experience but also seamlessly introduces players to the world of non-custodial web3 wallets without friction.

The Tech Under the Hood of Embedded Wallets

Key benefits of embedded wallets

Sequence Smart WaaS is built on a novel combined architecture of smart wallet technology and a secure enclave signing service. By design our solution is fully equipped with OpenID Connect and OAuth2 support, designed in a non-custodial framework, making it simple to connect any OAuth2 provider for seamless wallet access. Developers can bring in their own authentication system for full oversight to manage player profiles — and integrate with Google, Apple, or any OAuth provider right out of the box.

Sequence Smart WaaS sets a new standard for onboarding processes, unmatched by competitors. With support for secp256k1 and secp256r1, our web version ensures that session keys are stored securely in an enclave, making them completely tamper-proof. Wallet keys are safeguarded by a cutting-edge secure enclave signing service, utilizing multi-factor multisig technology powered by Sequence smart wallets. This service is not only novel but also fully open source and verifiable.

Additionally, Sequence Smart WaaS prioritizes user recovery, providing straightforward options for account retrieval. In the unlikely event of authentication provider issues, users can effortlessly regain access to their wallets by exporting their recovery key.

Designed with best-in-class flexibility and security, Sequence Smart WaaS is compatible with popular libraries like ethers.js and Viem, ensuring a frictionless integration tailor-made for developers.

We champion open ecosystems, avoid vendor lock-ins, and support seamless interoperability with Metamask, Wallet Connect, and any web3 wallet you choose to bring to your project. This approach guarantees an optimal experience across both web2 and web3 ecosystems, from day one and beyond. We focus on future-proofing technology so you can focus on building great games that players will love.

Purpose-built Embedded Wallets for Game Developers and Studios

Sequence Embedded Wallets come packed with game-changing features like:

Fully customizable gaming experiences

Developers can create fully embedded signup and login processes tailored to their game’s unique aesthetic and authentication system. By eliminating third-party branding, developers can deliver a cohesive and immersive gaming experience from the start. Sequence Smart WaaS works natively on web, mobile, and inside Unity and Unreal Engine games.

Player-friendly onboarding

Sequence Embedded Wallets revolutionize how players access their favorite games, offering a variety of convenient sign-up and login options. Whether it’s through email, social media, or existing authentication systems, getting into the game has never been easier — all in just a few clicks.

Enterprise-grade security and privacy-compliance

Sequence Embedded Wallets are equipped with enterprise-grade security, featuring two-factor (2FA) authentication, and offer the ability to add a social recovery key, without requiring extra downloads or app extensions. Audited by blockchain security leader Quantstamp, our official trusted third-party auditing partner for Sequence Embedded Wallets infrastructure.

Our collaboration with Quantstamp means that any new code changes to Sequence Smart WaaS is guaranteed at the implementation level, secured by AWS Nitro Secure Enclaves for unparalleled security features that align the best developer experience with secure, seamless, and non-invasive player interactions. 

Uninterrupted gameplay

By eliminating the need to sign on-chain transactions manually, developers can maintain a seamless flow of gameplay. No pop-ups. No interruptions. No compromises. Just pure gaming.

Zero-friction transactions

Sequence Embedded Wallets integrate with the Sequence Gas Tank, enabling developers to abstract gas fees from players, enhancing efficiency with batched transactions and calldata compression with fee reductions of ~50%. This makes our solution the most gas-efficient offering for L2s and L3s, reducing costs significantly for covering gas fees in apps and games.

Sequence’s complete battle-tested stack

Every new Sequence Embedded Wallets account comes with the complete end-to-end, battle-tested Sequence stack, so developers can make use of the integrated credit and debit checkout, on-ramps, and cross-chain liquidity. Unlike other embedded wallets in the market, Sequence Smart WaaS comes with the full support of Sequence’s white label and in-game marketplace technology to enhance player engagement. This setup simplifies transactions, boosting player spending and developer revenue.

Our Sequence Embedded Wallets system is tailor-made for video games — see for yourself! https://waas-demo.sequence.xyz 

Get Started with Sequence Embedded Wallets

Onboard, monetize, grow, and retain your players like never before. Sequence Embedded Wallets is a powerful tool designed to equip developers with everything they need to create captivating, immersive gaming experiences that not only enchant players but also nurture robust, sustainable in-game economies.

Learn more about Sequence Smart WaaS by visiting our docs or reaching out to us via this contact form.

About the author 

Radiostud.io Staff

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